Read about all of Dr. Porter’s books below!
The Power of Anticipation
oin Maggie and her friends as they travel cross-country by Amtrak from New York to California. You may be able to unlock the mysteries of faith among characters as they make their journey. In the end, all that matters is the abundant life they all seek. Will they find it? Join them as they experience anticipation of a better life both on this physical earth and in the life that is promised in the hereafter. Read and be inspired as you make your own journey towards your secret desires!
Wonders of the Spirit
Join Maggie and her friends as they take two vans across the Midwest from Chicago to Denver. Share their experiences as they sojourn through the Great Plains and end up in the mountains of Colorado. The trip entails challenges for all involved before they head back East. In this 8th novel by Dr. William Porter, the strength of relationships and of the spirituality among group members is challenged, and in some cases, invigorated. In the end, you can decipher the wonders of the Spirit that they all experienced.
For Heaven’s Sake – The Dreams Continue
For Heaven’s Sake: The Dreams Continue is just that, a continuation of the dreams and desires that lead character Maggie experiences as she and her friends transverse paths of personal relationships. Join the fun as they continue to seek a “heaven on earth” in the physical realm, realizing that it is only the spiritual dimension that lasts-lasts well beyond this physical existence. So, take a look at this latest adventure.
Heaven Can’t Wait or Can It? – The Frution
In this third volume in the series, “Heaven Can’t Wait or Can it?”, lead character Maggie and her friends seek the fortunes of a happy life through relationships, adventure, and faith as they take a cruise from New York to Bermuda.
Heaven Can’t Wait or Can It? – The Sequel
Find out about the continuing adventures of Maggie, the lead character
Heaven Can’t Wait or Can It?
Have you ever wondered what Heaven will be like? The lead character, Maggie, in Heaven Can’t Wait or Can it? had to determine this for herself. Would she find “heaven on earth” when everything, it seemed, was going her way? Maggie and her friends found that while a type of heaven could be obtained while making this earthly journey, various pitfalls in pursuing this goal still remained. Join Maggie on her journey to share her final realizations.
*Updated!* Miracles: In The Life of Ordinary People – Special Feature: The Great American Eclipse
Miracles happened during Biblical times as recorded in the Scriptures, but do they happen today? What is a miracle? A miracle is defined as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.” This book is a documentation of experiences by individuals who believed that these occurrences were the result of divine intervention and who were willing to share their story with the author. Whether such experiences are considered as miraculous or merely coincidental, a common theme from those who describe these experiences is that they are welcomed, beneficial events in their lives. You are encouraged to read the stories in this book, and by doing so, you can make your own judgement about the reality of miracles in everyday life.
Life in the Spirit: True Stories of Blessings, Favor, and Intervention, by William Porter, Ph.D, Tate Publishing, 2015
Life in the Spirit is awareness that some events that happen in our lives are expressions of God’s blessings, favor, and intervention. It is exciting when we recognize these events as such because then we realize that God is a real, living entity and, therefore, is willing and able to help us when we are in need. Many churches have services during the week when believers assemble to give their testimonies of how God has blessed them. One of the biggest factors in increasing one’s faith is to learn how God has been involved directly in the lives of people and how specific events have affected their faith.
Life in the Spirit is a series of true stories about people in their everyday life and how they have been blessed and favored by God, or who have been in situations where God, through His Holy Spirit, has intervened in very negative circumstances for their benefit. We all have had experiences in our lives that cannot be explained other than by Divine intervention. It strengthens our faith knowing that God’s presence can make sense out of the inexplainable events that sometimes happen to us. This is especially so when we tell others of experiences that only a higher power could have carried us through some of life’s trying circumstances.
In reading the experiences of others who have been confronted with a negative situation or circumstance, maybe you can remember how God helped you in your time of need. Retail Price: $19.99 (add tax and shipping charges)